A Rainy Day Epiphany

I believe the very first post on any blog should signify the reason for its being and the path it’s bound to take in the coming days. So here’s how, why and what for The Quaint Reading Nook came into existence –

[Now, I’ve already explained the rainy day epiphany that I had on my personal blog. So, I’m going to reproduce the same down below because this blog is the culmination of what started there, so please bear with me and read on.]




​​Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.” ― Bill Watterson, The Calvin and HobbesTenth Anniversary Book. 

And that is exactly what I did today. Because, obviously, I’d trust a Calvin and Hobbes advice with my life! (Does anyone else think that the comic strips cover a lot of deeply profound, existentialist issues, or is it just me?)

Needless to say, it’s been a beautiful and oddly fulfilling day. In the daily struggle of life and making ends meet, I’d forgotten what it felt like to sit down with a good book, a cup of coffee and relax. Simply stated, it’s exhilarating!

In addition, once the little grey cells had been thus stimulated, I got to thinking. I realised I’ve recieved a couple of offers from Authors and Publishing Houses for ebooks and advance copies of books in exchange for an honest review. On further research, I found that providing a review is the best way to help an author out. Amazon and all other e-commerce websites show preferential listings based on number of reviews. Even if you keep the commercial aspect aside, isn’t it nice to drop a few nice words if you’ve enjoyed reading someone’s work?

I know I’m beyond joyful whenever someone reads, likes and/or comments on any of my posts. Just imagine the amount of anxiety and impatience with which authors, who have devoted their time, emotions, energy and their life and soul into creating a book for our reading pleasure, must be awaiting our feedback?

Hence, I’ve decided I will set all procrastination aside, get down to reading the books that have so kindly been sent to me and write reviews for them. I’ve also decided to go ahead and not limit this activity to just Amazon and Goodreads.

I’ll shortly be opening an “All Things Book” section on my blog covering reviews, recommendations, genre based listopia, et al.

The purpose of putting up this announcement is single-fold. I want to assure all my lovely readers that all reviews and recommendations will be strictly honest. I’m not getting paid for doing this. I love to read, I love to share my views on the books I’ve read, and thus, I’d love to spread the word. I’d also be sharing book recommendations on old books (i.e., not the ones garnering  publicity recently or the ones that have been released in the past two years) that I’ve loved reading, hence, they’d obviously be honest. Therefore, I hope to get your whole-hearted support in this venture just like you take out time for showering love on all my other blog posts.

PS- In case you write book reviews anywhere, I have a simple request. Please keep mum in case you didn’t like a book, don’t badmouth it. You can give your rating but please choose words carefully while writing your reviews. You see, any book, whether good are bad as per your opinion, is the product of a lot of love and work. If you like something, say it out loud, if you don’t, please don’t hurt the writer unless a constructive criticism has been specifically asked for. It can be very disheartening. The amount of vitriol I’ve witnessed people pouring out  on Goodreads shook me to the core. It’s very easy to ascertain whether you’d like a book or not within the first 10-20 pages, so don’t call it a waste of time if you still went on and read the entire thing. Put it down! Don’t accuse the author for worsening your day. Just saying!

Thank you for reading! Please let me know your views on my idea and future plans in the comments section down below. I’d love to have your feedback!

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  1. Dhananjay M. Bhati July 14, 2017 — 6:50 pm

    Looking forward to the reviews 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dhananjay M. Bhati July 14, 2017 — 6:53 pm

    Hehe take your time 😊


  3. Can’t see the comments on the gray background 😕

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Just so you know, the main image in this post (the tea under the dripping leaves) is way too big for the post itself! Be sure to check your post previews before you publish, otherwise you run the risk of letting your blog look sloppy and driving off people before you get a chance to grab their attention in other ways!

    As another commentator posted above, you can’t see the comments, only the replies, because of the text color. Another thing I’ve noticed is that it’s hard to focus on your actual content. It seems like the true background is off-white, but you’ve got a white highlight/background color on the text as well. It makes for a dizzying experience trying to focus on what you’re writing, especially when I try to scroll.

    Please be sure to proofread (WordPress offers a nifty spell-checker, and if you use Chrome, they’ve usually got one built-in as well!) because not many people will take you seriously if you don’t take the time to make sure you’ve spelled things correctly/used the right homonym. (In this post, it’s procastination.) It’s attention to little details like that that make you stand out from the crowd!

    One thing I was taught when I had to write reviews for class was that you should always write your reviews with the chance that the author might read them. Don’t put them on blast unless it’s something horrifically wrong with the book. My friend Leslie at A-Z books (athroughzbooks.wordpress.com) does a wonderful job in balancing criticism with their “bad” reviews. I feel like “If you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen” kind of works in this aspect. When you put anything out there, you need to expect and understand that there will be people who love your work and people who do not. Are there good writers? Yes, there are. But are there also bad writers? Yes, and they’re usually more numerous than the good ones. Be critical all you want, but be sure to offer explanations as to why you’re being critical of a specific thing. Don’t just say, “I didn’t like this,” but actually give reasons and explanations as to why. Is it racist? Sexist? Classist? There’s a reason bad things are bad. Don’t sugarcoat your reviews, but don’t have the negativity turned all the way up, either.

    Welcome to the world of book reviewing!


    • Thank you, Lauren, for taking the time to provide a feedback. I agree to all your points. The image and text issue is arising because I had to copy paste from my personal blog and the WordPress app messed it up (the picture was a featured image, hence the size issue). I’d do the needful ASAP and won’t put up anything new without previewing on a laptop. Thank you again for letting me know to mind the do’s and don’ts. Lastly, thank you so very much for the warm welcome! ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  5. [ Smiles ] Hmm. Not bad for a first blog post. Now, your readers know what they can expect from you!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dhananjay M. Bhati July 15, 2017 — 8:36 am

    Reblogged this on Voicing the Ephemeral Echoes of a Human Mind and commented:
    If you are an avid book reader and looking for some honest reviews for the book you’ve been thinking on a rainy day with a warm cup of coffee. Check out The Quaint Reading Nook by Varnika Jain.


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